Properties Mode :

To see which properties have been read by SciTE, and Filerx initialization file :

Filerx.ini items are shown in the "Filerx.ini" subtree and may be edited.
- To modify a line : edit the line.
- To suppress a line : edit and empty the line.
- To add a line : edit the <new> item appearing in each section.

- Each line is sent to Filerx.ini just after it has been modified.
- No checking is done.
- Some changes will have an immediate effect : [filelistmenu] and [projectmenu].
- Some will take effect next time Filerx is run : [projects] , [macros], [filters] ...
- Some will have no effect : for example, if savewindow=1, x,y,w and h will be overwritten when Filerx exits.