- Filerx -
Windows - SciTE Projects & Macros


updated : 12/04/2004



Executable+dll+ini file+macro samples (<200 Ko)  ,   sources ( <200 Ko)

Filerx.chm help file (<300 Ko)  ,   help sources (<250 Ko).


Last changes:
- Lua script editor - Lua script launcher

WARNING : in 5 Oct 2002 and following versions :
Changed command line syntax to call Filerx from SciTE.
See Help for details.

What is Filerx ?

Filerx is a SciTE companion program, waiting in the background, that helps navigating in frequently used folders.

Related files may be grouped in projects, displayed as trees.

Using SciTE's communication protocol , it is possible to exchange informations.

The properties Tree shows how SciTE has loaded and interpreted its .properties files

Filerx records, plays and edits macros. Filerx can be used as a stand-alone program to develop and test macros, with its integrated Scintilla control, or it may use macros to command SciTE.

The Type Library Tree allows Type Libraries browsing.



With macros, Commands can be sent to :

- SciTE : Open, Close, SaveAs, ExportAsHTML ...

- Scintilla : macros know all Scintilla functions and properties.

- Filerx : to work with trees and filelist.

- The whole system : using existing script engines like JScript and VBScript

What is not Filerx ?

Filerx doesn't claim to be indispensable and bug-free !

All this code is experimental, and changes day after day.

Feel free to try, use (or not) and modify it.

Needed files

-Filerx.exe,macro.dll,filerx.ini, filerx.chm.
- scilexer.dll,scintilla.iface
- msscript.ocx to call VBScript/JScript from macros
Notes :
- Filerx.chm needs now a separate download
- macros.api and macros.properties are not included : they can be generated by macros (Make_macros_xxxx in SciTE.macros)
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